


• “Hem de recuperar la solvència defensiva”[Club HP]
*ジローナのRaül Agné監督は指宿選手に対して「ジローナに来てから体重も6ポンド増え、フィジカルは問題が無いだろう」「ヨーロッパのサッカーを覚えて欲しい」「ボールコントロール、パス、動きは非凡な才能がある」と評価しているようです。

Regarding the call for the first time the Japanese footballer Hiroshi, Agnes appreciates the work of this young man of eighteen years: "A physical level and from that has come to Girona, Hiroshi won the six pounds of muscle. On the other hand has an incredible ability to learn, have noticed that here in Europe is played differently than in your country. Only now will I know how fit you have minutes on the computer. The head technician Girona concluded that Ibusuki Hiroshi "technically it may be the best striker we have. Has very good control, pass, move and when the option is off by two shots going into one. "

• Hiroshi entra a la llista de convocats[Club HP]
Ibusuki Hiroshi va ser aquest dijous un home molt feliç. Un cop acabat la sessió preparatòria a Riudarenes, Raül Agné li va comunicar que formava part de la llista de convocats i que viatjaria amb la resta de companys a Madrid per enfrontar-se dissabte contra el Rayo Vallecano.

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サッカー書籍はこちら[Amazon iStore]
サッカーDVDはこちら[Amazon iStore]